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People Operations Dictionary





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Edutainment Ventures LLC 360, Wall Street Princeton New Jersey 08540

People Operations Dictionary(圖1)-速報App

People Operations Dictionary App provides the user with a comprehensive vocabulary of terms used in People Operations. The app has more than 1400 People operations terms under 19 broad categories. It covers technical terms, theories, jargon and concepts, all of which are relevant for People operations (Human Resource Management). The apps boasts of Categories, Quick Guide, Search, EduBank℠, Contribute and Quiz. The aspects and terms are neatly stacked under various categories for quick and easy learning.

Categories of People Operations Dictionary are:-

*HR Policies and Procedures


*Human Resource Accounting

People Operations Dictionary(圖2)-速報App

*Knowledge Management

*Staffing Management

*Performance Management

*Training and Development

*HR Technologies

People Operations Dictionary(圖3)-速報App

*Employee Motivation and Reward Management

*Employee Relations

*Health, Safety and Welfare

*Employment Practices

*Discrimination and Rights

People Operations Dictionary(圖4)-速報App

*Internal Mobility and Separation

*HR Strategies and more

Features of the App:-

* Categories - Find various terms under different categories for quick and easy learning.

* Quick Guide - Learn concepts, functions, flowcharts, formulas relating to People Operations.

People Operations Dictionary(圖5)-速報App

* Search - Just type in whatever you are searching for in the search box and get required details. Also, you can search within a particular category.

* EduBank℠ - Save your learning with EduBank.

* Contribute - If you think we missed something, please contribute and we’ll update it.

* Quiz - Challenge your knowledge with a quiz.

People Operations Dictionary is a great app for the students of human resource management and other people interested in the subject. It is very beneficial for last minute study and you do not require carrying textbooks. Learn with the handy app.

People Operations Dictionary(圖6)-速報App

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